What is the risk of varicose veins in women and how to deal with it

Varicose veins are a common venous disease that mainly affects women's feet. Its essence lies in the expansion or elongation of the veins of the lower extremities, which eventually leads to thinning of the venous walls.Varicose veins - affects women's feetThe disease can not be ignored as it can lead to serious complications such as venous insufficiency of the legs, thrombosis, bleeding and gangrene.

Gangrene is dangerous because if left untreated, it can lead to amputation of the legs and thrombosis and even death of the patient - a detached blood clot reaches the heart, causing it to conceive. There is an urgent need to treat the disease early, before complications develop.


Scientists have proven that the predisposition to varicose veins is hereditary. If your relatives have been diagnosed with varicose veins, then it is likely to appear in you.

The following reasons may cause it to develop:

  • hormonal disorders?
  • pregnancy?
  • high loads on the legs.
  • bad habits?
  • hypodynamia.

The main natural cause of varicose veins is the increased load on the vessels. Stress can occur due to both physical inactivity and increased physical activity. load on the legs is the cause of the development of varicose veinsOften the office lifestyle leads to varicose veins - a huge amount of time devoted to sitting or standing. In this case, blood circulation is stopped, stagnant areas are formed, which then lead to vascular degradation.

An unhealthy diet also increases the chance of varicose veins. The cause of the disease can be increased consumption of fatty foods, fast food, cholesterol, caffeine. All this negatively affects the health of the veins. Excessive physical activity is also harmful.

Pregnant women are also at risk. The physical characteristics of pregnancy affect the proper blood supply to the legs, which often causes varicose veins to develop. In addition to insufficient blood supply to the legs, the hormonal status of pregnant women changes, which can also cause illness. During this period, it is recommended to check the condition of the feet regularly and in case of pain, consult a doctor immediately. Inflammatory veins can disappear after the birth of a child, but for prevention, you can wear special underwear.


You can suspect the development of varicose veins using various symptoms:

  1. Swelling of the legs. Aid towards the end of the working day is a common feature.
  2. consult a doctor if symptoms of varicose veins are detected
  3. Calf pain is an early sign.
  4. Sudden leg cramps.
  5. Prolonged wound healing and bruising are a delayed symptom.
  6. Enlargement of the veins in size, the appearance of windings or nodules is an early sign.
  7. Hair loss from the inner surface of the legs, thickening of the skin in this area is a delayed symptom.

An important feature of the onset of symptoms is their intensification at night, or after a long stay on their feet or without movement. If you find at least one symptom of the disease, it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately. The diagnosis of varicose veins is made by venologists - specialists in veins. A routine examination is not enough to confirm the diagnosis; a Doppler ultrasound is required. If necessary, varicose veins can be confirmed using a radionuclide or radionuclide method. In this case, the distribution of the specially introduced substance in the containers will be investigated.


Rest for the feet reduces the risk of varicose veins

The prevalence of varicose veins has given impetus to the creation of many options for its treatment, both medical and folk. If possible, contact your doctor who will tell you exactly how to treat you, based on your individual characteristics. The use of folk remedies is recommended only if there is no possibility of professional treatment. They relieve the symptoms of the disease, but do not eliminate its cause.


All drug therapy is divided into two major groups: topical and general drugs. It should be understood that drug therapy is only relevant in the early stages of the disease. In advanced cases, drug therapy is also used only to prevent the disease from spreading.

Anticoagulants are the most popular treatment. They thin the blood, prevent vasodilation, which reduces the risk of blood clots. They can be taken orally and in the form of gels and ointments or injections. The dosage and choice of a particular drug can only be trusted by the treating physician. Vascular protectors help improve vascular microcirculation, thus eliminating the cause of the disease.

Leeches are also used to treat varicose veins. When bitten, a natural special substance, hirudin, enters the body.venous thrombosis requires surgeryThis thins the blood, which reduces the risk of blood clots. This method is less effective than medication, but for some it is the only possible way. Treatment with leeches is cyclical.

Surgical treatment

The essence of surgical treatment is the complete exclusion or removal of diseased veins from the circulatory system. Most often, such procedures are performed by injecting a special substance into the vein, which sticks it from the inside. The most effective method, which is not dangerous to health, is the surgical removal of damaged veins. At the same time, the general condition of the circulatory system will not suffer. Varicose veins cause up to 10 percent of all the blood flowing to the legs to go away on their own. Removing them will load the remaining veins, but will not cause significant damage to health.

Alternative therapy

You can treat varicose veins with folk remedies, but at your own risk. Most of these methods are ineffective in the early stages of the disease and ineffective in the later stages. Alternative treatments relieve the symptoms of varicose veins, but do not cure it, which is especially dangerous in advanced cases. Such a trip is dangerous for your health.

Folk remedies will not replace occupational treatment of varicose veins

Among the most popular folk recipes that can be used to treat varicose veins are:

  • Apple cider vinegar
  • worm?
  • nettle?
  • garlic.

Apple cider vinegar is able to heal veins from the outside, relieving exacerbations even in young people. Wounds are treated twice a day. The vinegar is diluted in the bath, the feet are placed in it for 5 minutes. After such procedures, it is recommended to leave your feet dry on their own. Garlic is used as an ointment. To prepare it, one part of garlic is mixed with two parts of butter. The resulting gruel is applied to the affected areas of the feet at night.


Prevention is general and allows not only the prevention of varicose veins, but also the increase of the overall level of health, the elimination of the symptoms and, consequently, the improvement of the well-being.

Basic Precautions:

  • healthy eating?
  • playing sports?
  • absence of high loads on the veins.

Healthy eating includes the use of fruits and vegetables in the diet, especially raw. Consumption of nuts and seafood also has a beneficial effect on the health of the veins. In this case, it is necessary to forget about very fatty and salty foods, alcohol and products containing caffeine.

Regular exercise improves blood flow to the legs, which has a positive effect on the health of the veins. Do not exercise too much - running and moderate cycling are great. It is important, even during sedentary work, to exercise periodically, not to let the bleeding stop. Cross-legged is contraindicated in sedentary work.

Varicose veins are a disease that is important to treat in the early stages. Do not be afraid to see your doctor at the first symptoms. Today, the treatment of varicose veins in women's legs is not as expensive as it used to be, and it is not dangerous for the body. By receiving the treatment in advance, you will provide yourself with health and comfort in your feet for many more years.